The Columbus Marathon is near and dear to my heart and this Sunday will be my 23rd time as its media director. In my opinion, there’s nothing better than seeing the fireworks crack overhead while Born To Run is perfectly timed with the start of the race. And even better, the fist pumps and sheer joy of our thousands of athletes as they come into the finish after meeting a life goal.
But even better has been the partnership with Nationwide Children’s Hospital to raise money for the life-saving work of the hospital. Each year since 2012, 24 patients of Nationwide Children’s are selected to be Marathon Mile Champions (see this year’s Champion stories here). These kids have run much harder races and to see them out there on marathon morning is a visual reminder of resilience and that we can all push through hard things.
Speaking of hard things, Mile 11 is the Angel Mile. It is one of the most powerful miles of the event. Hundreds of families and friends of children who have passed away line that mile to share their special memories. I love that the marathon and Nationwide Children’s have given these beautiful people a special platform to celebrate and remember.
These families bring encouragement to runners to persevere, not only in their purpose on the marathon course on a Sunday in October, but also in life. It is an incredibly moving part of this event and there is simply nothing quite like experiencing it.
Last week I attended my 11th Angel Mile sign-making party and the stories I hear always move me to tears. These are incredibly strong and loving people, and it will be an honor to share space with them again come Sunday.
If you’ve never attended The Columbus Marathon, this is your invitation. Find a mile where you and your friends can be the encouragement to others doing hard things. Then work your way to Mile 11 and see what encouragement through the trials of life really looks like, and perhaps offer some of your own ongoing encouragement to them as well.